What is it about those ancient words that reach across millennia and yet feel personal, even today? “The Lord bless you and keep you…”. This is the Priestly Blessing, a unique, time-tested gift from God to His people, spoken by the priests but given by the Almighty Himself.

(Priestly Blessing in Jerusalem, 2022, Courtesy)
The Priestly Blessing—also known as the Aaronic Benediction—has its roots in the Torah. God commanded Moses to instruct his brother Aaron and his sons, the priests of Israel, to bless the children of Israel with this blessing, word for word. “This is how you are to bless the Israelites. Say to them: ‘The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace.’” (Numbers 6:24-26)
When we consider the power of these words, it’s clear why they’ve been prayed, memorized, and cherished across generations. Each line contains layers of blessing and meaning, each word imbued with the grace and favor of God.
1. “The Lord bless you and keep you.”
Here, we ask for God’s favor and protection. The blessing isn’t just about general good things coming our way—it’s about God’s provision. “The Lord bless you” means, “May God make everything you touch fruitful and successful.” But He doesn’t stop at blessing—He adds, “and keep you.” This is a call for divine protection, God standing as a shield over our lives. There’s a reason Jewish parents have blessed their children with this phrase for centuries, covering their lives in the supernatural protection of the Almighty. When we say these words, we call upon the ultimate security system: the Creator Himself.
2. “The Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you.”
“Shine upon you”—can you imagine a more powerful image than that? It’s like God’s very face turning toward you with favor, His light illuminating your path. This line isn’t just poetic—it’s the heart of our hope in God’s active role in our lives. When He “makes His face shine” upon us, it’s a sign of His attention, His love, and His pleasure. And “be gracious” to you? We all fall short; grace is not something any of us earn. But this blessing calls down God’s grace in a way that surpasses our imperfections. It’s a supernatural act of compassion from the One who sees and knows everything about us and loves us still.

3. “The Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace.”
Here is the peace that only God can give—a peace that doesn’t make sense by worldly standards. This part of the blessing asks that God’s attention, His gaze, remain fixed on us, that we would be constantly in His thoughts and under His protection. And the ultimate promise: peace. Not just the absence of conflict, but “shalom”—a deep, holistic peace that heals our spirits, calms our minds, and strengthens our hearts. When God lifts His countenance upon us, He promises a peace that permeates our very being, even in the midst of chaos.
The Priestly Blessing Today
So why, in a world that often seems hostile to ancient truths, does this blessing endure? It has power because it isn’t just a prayer—it’s God’s covenant promise, wrapped in words and poured over His people. It connects us to our roots and to the God of Israel Himself. Christians and Jews alike pray these words today, recognizing their transformative power and beauty. They are a bridge to God's heart, a source of comfort, and a reminder that His covenant remains unbroken.
For centuries, the Priestly Blessing has been spoken over nations, leaders, families, and individuals. It’s a call for divine provision, protection, grace, and peace—a blessing that doesn’t fade with time but grows stronger as we lean into it. In times of war, political turmoil, family struggles, or inner doubt, these words carry a power that defies circumstance.

As we speak these words, we’re inviting heaven into earth. We’re praying that the Creator’s hand would rest on us and that His favor would pave our path. Imagine: every syllable from the Priestly Blessing was carefully chosen by God, imbued with His intention, and woven together in a declaration meant to transform lives. It’s a promise spoken from His mouth and echoed through the ages, right down to our time.
Embrace the Blessing with Sacred Anointing Oil
There’s another ancient practice that pairs beautifully with the Priestly Blessing: the use of anointing oil. Anointing oil was used throughout the Bible as a means of setting people, places, and even objects apart as holy to God. In times of prayer, blessing, and healing, anointing oil serves as a physical reminder of God’s presence and His sacred promises.
Here at The Israel Store, we offer a selection of authentic anointing oils crafted in Israel, inspired by the biblical ingredients. Using anointing oil while praying the Priestly Blessing can be a powerful way to connect with God on a deeper level, as the scent of the oil fills the air and marks the moment with sacred significance. It’s more than a tradition—it’s a way of inviting God’s blessing into every part of your life.

Whether you’re blessing your children, praying for protection, or seeking peace in your own life, anointing oil can add a unique and meaningful element to your prayers. Just as the Priestly Blessing has been a source of strength for generations, anointing oil serves as a tangible reminder of God’s promises, His love, and His protection.
May the Lord bless you and keep you always.